Health Certificate Form

Primary Owner Information - Legal Owner of Pet Required

You must be at least 18 years old to travel unaccompanied with a pet.

State Issued
Home Address:
This is where the pet currently lives or is traveling from.
If the pet will be changing hands/ownership, enter their name here. If the pet will be staying with the owner, enter the owner name.
Destination Address:
This is where the pet will be traveling to or the address of the person picking them up once they arrive.
Owner Group:
Pet Information
How will your pet be traveling?
Who will your pet be traveling with?
If traveling by air, where on the plane will they be traveling?
With owner/caretaker
With baggage
In cargo hold
Include airport code AND city, state, and country (if outside of US)
If flying, are there any layovers?
Address of authorized caretaker/transporter
Is someone other than you picking your pet up from the airport?