The importance of dental care in dogs cannot be expressed enough. Dental disease in dogs is a leading cause of health problems. Home care is the best way to keep your dog’s teeth healthy. The gold standard for maintaining your dog's teeth is daily brushing. Dental products can also be incorporated daily to help maintain the health of dog teeth. Product that bear the seal of the Veterinary Oral Health Council have been proven to help with plaque or tartar and facilitate maintaining a healthier mouth. Diet can play a role in dental health as well, but there is little conclusive evidence that shows feeding any particular type of food will help keep dog teeth healthy unless it is a therapeutic diet proven to reduce plaque and tartar. Daily teeth brushing is still recommended even with the use of other dental products.
Regular brushing, dental chews, and other dental products can go a long way in slowing the progression of dental disease; however, it can still develop over time. Small breeds and short nosed breeds tend to develop dental disease more easily, but all dogs can experience problems.
The progression of dog dental disease is quite different from humans. Dogs are more likely to suffer from bone loss and tooth loosening because of gingivitis and periodontal disease. These changes can affect their appetite due to discomfort and can lead to tooth loss. In addition to discomfort in the mouth due to dental disease, bacteria from the mouth can travel through a dog’s body from the inflamed gums and cause damage to internal organs.
Every physical exam includes an examination of your dog’s mouth. The veterinarian can identify gum recession, gingivitis, and in some cases loose teeth. Based on exam findings, you may be informed that your dog will need a dental cleaning which is performed under anesthesia. If this procedure is recommended for your dog, we can schedule it to be performed in our facility. We will also discuss home care or treatment options based on the individual needs of your dog.
If you have concerns about your dog’s dental health or if you have noticed changes in your dog’s breath or appetite, schedule an appointment to discuss your concerns with the veterinarian.