Cat Dental Care

Dental care is of great importance to the overall health of cats. The gold standard for maintaining your cat's teeth is daily brushing. Dental products can also be incorporated daily to help maintain the health of cat teeth. Product that bear the seal of the Veterinary Oral Health Council have been proven to help with plaque or tartar and facilitate maintaining a healthier mouth. Diet can play a role in dental health as well, but there is little conclusive evidence that shows feeding any particular type of food will help keep cat teeth healthy unless it is a therapeutic diet proven to reduce plaque and tartar. Daily teeth brushing is still recommended even with the use of other dental products.

Even with brushing and dental treats, cats may still develop periodontal disease, which can have negative effects to their overall health. Not only does dental disease lead to discomfort or pain in the mouth, but it can also cause damage to internal organs like the liver and kidneys as oral bacteria makes its way through their system.

Cats have unique dental changes that can occur. Cats are susceptible to resorptive lesions, which are similar to cavities in humans. This creates pain right at the gum line and may affect a cat’s appetite as eating can be painful. Some cats can develop a condition called stomatitis, which is occasionally secondary to other health problems. Stomatitis is similar to gingivitis where the gums are inflamed, but with this condition, rather than being around one or two teeth, the inflammation occurs all along the gingiva and even can spread to the back of the mouth and cause painful ulcers.

Every physical exam includes an examination of the mouth. The veterinarian can check for signs of periodontal disease or stomatitis. Based on exam findings, you may be informed your cat needs a dental cleaning, which is performed under anesthesia. If your cat requires this service, we are able to schedule it here in our facility. We will also discuss home care or treatment options based on the individual needs of your cat.

If you have concerns about your cat’s dental health or if you have noticed a change in your cat’s appetite, call to schedule an appointment today to discuss it with your veterinarian.